Hi guys! It's been so long since i've been posting in my blog.
Today is the first day of school on the 2nd semester after 2 weeks of holiday due to New Year 2017.

In this holiday, i didn't do too much. I basically stayed at home for the majority of this holiday. I even spent the seconds of the new year watching some korean drama.

The first week of the holiday, after taking my raport, my family planned to go to Jakarta on sunday because my dad works there and i also want to go shopping for my room's redecoration. But, it was postponed to Thursday because there is some canopy workers and my dad told my mother and me to keep our eyes on them.

From Sunday to Thursday, i stayed at home and watched some korean dramas. I'm actually really upset because i end up spending my holiday in my house doing nothing, especially because it's only for two weeks and i've been really stressed studying for the past semester so i needed some refreshing.

Finally, Thursday comes and me, my mom, and my sister went to Jakarta by a train at 06.30 PM. We arrived at Jakarta at 10.30 PM. The next day, me, my mom, my sister and my brother went to Ikea to shop some stuff for my room's redecoration. And then we went to my aunt house. The next day, we went back home because the canopy workers started working again.

After we arrived at Bandung, we went to some places to shop for my room again. And then we went home. Here it goes again my adventure of my boredom because i stayed at home the whole day, even on the new years day. I spent the seconds of the new years at my bed while watchig some korean drama. Yeah, it was so exciting right? hahaha

On the first day of 2017, i went to school to do some stuff for PK's (perwakilan kelas) event which is musyawarah besar (mubes) that was held on 6th January til 8th January 2017.

On the 3rd of January, me and my friends went shopping for some stuff for the event. The next day, we went to the location of the event to put some stuff. On the event's eve or on the 5th of January, i went to school to discuss about the event with my friends. After that, me and my friends from my old school eat together. The night before the event i started packing.

Finally, the day that i have been waiting for comes. We went to the mubes' location with a couple of cars. We arrived at the location at 09.00 AM and then we watched some movies together. The majority of the first day was spent with forums which is held to evaluate our work in the past 3 months and planning our work for the next 3 months. In the night of the first day we watched some horror movies together again.

The next day, we do some exercises together such as running. and then, we continue the forum from yesterday and it finished faster than the schedule. So we're just playing together until it's the time to play games. the game was so fun especially because of my team which thinks outside of the box so we can win the entire game.  And then, on the second night we were barbeque-ing while watching some horror movies together.

The last day, we continue the game which is now treasure hunting. My team struggled to break the clues and we were so tired from walking all around the place. We lose but it's okay because the important thing is that we are having a great time together. And then we pack for going home and while waiting to go home, we played some games together such as werewolf and it was so fun. After that, we take some photos together and went home at 11.00 AM and arrived at school at 12.30 PM.

It was such a fun event for us, because we get to spent a lot of time together and we get to know each other even better especially the akang teteh has showed their personality in this event which is so funny because i've been adoring them this whole time. It was amazing how the days spent like we were just a family.

This holiday ended so fast and now i'm finally back to school again.
Thanks for reading!


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