Hi! Welcome back to my blog.
In this post i'm gonna tell you about the moral of the story that my friend Dara, Fachri, and Arjun told me, and my story too.

The first story was Dara's and the title of her story was "Princess Rose and the Golden Bird"
the moral value of her story is that you should never give up to get the things you want and that someday you will meet your destiny which is in this case, the prince from princess Rose's childhood.

The second story was Fachri's and the title was "The Three Little Pigs"
the moral of the story is the result that you get from your work depends on the effort that you give to the work. That's why the the wolf can't destroy the third pig's house.

The last story was Arjun's and the title was "The Foolish Donkey"
the moral value of his story is that we shold not cheat while doing some work because we will get the consequences.

and the last but not least, the title of my story was "Thumbelina"
the moral value of my story is that someday, you will meet the person that is your soulmate.


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