Questions : Horizontal: 1. Apes that inhabit the forests of Central Africa. 2. the synonym of germinate. 3. The years of a person's age from 13 to 19. 4. Adult human male 5. Immoral act that transgess against divine law. 6. Abbreviation of ounces. 7. The synonym of awful. 8. Green,red, blue, purple. 9. The end of life. 10. Badly behaved. 11. The day before an event. 12. Abbreviation of favorite. 13. Enter. Vertical: 1. Brave. 2. Group. 3. An opening in the wall. 4. .... and Tricks. 5. Prison. 6. The appreciation of beauty. 7. A place where breads and cakes are made. 8. Forest consists of.. 9. Ramen. 10. A piece of hair on man that brushed upward and backward from the forehead. 11. Out. 12. I